Tuesday, November 10, 2009

The One Place on Earth Not Destroyed in '2012'

First of all I do not agree with the director’s action. he wanted to smash the most important landmarks in Islam. If Muslims won’t say any fatwa he would probably do that. Also he couldn’t do that because of the fatwa that one of the Muslims imams did about the British writer who wrote about alleged blasphemies in his book "The Satanic Verses" in 1989so .that why he couldn’t move on with his idea. All Muslims will regret on his action if he directed the movie the way he was thinking .however if he did that movie on the Christian symbols they would not mind that .the also won’t kill him because of a movie. emmerich has no reservation about breaking other important landmarks in the world. So he chooses to destroy other landmarks rather than the Islamic once. There is other person who hopes to get their famous landmarks trashed. Such as the tallest completed building in the world which is the Taiwan's Taipei 101.

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