Monday, October 19, 2009

Relative Marriage

One of my relatives was married to her cousin,but this relationship didn`t
succeed.And now they are divorced because they couldn`t live without daily fights
and problems.marrying someone who is not from your family is better than the
one who is from your family because relative marriage can cause problems
between the two families and inherited diseases.

The first main reason why relative marriage is not preferable is the
problems it causes between two families.For example,if the fights between the
husband and wife become daily,in that case the parents may interfere between
them and that would make the problem bigger.Eventually each family will hate
the other because each one thinks that they are right.But infact they think that
way because the problems make it difficult for them to think about the solution;
instead they focus on who is going to win this fight.

Inherited diseases are the second important reason for not marrying a
husband and wife could carry the same inherited diseas.So that will
affect their children.They
may have the same disease that the mother or father has.

In the end,fights that occur between couples that are related could cause
more problems ,rather than if they were not related to each other.Also relative
marriage could cause another problem which is inherited
diseases.Therefore,marrying someone who is outside of your family is better and
safer.I think that choosing your soul mate is one of the difficult decisions in your
life.You should think of your children and your family.So you can manage your
life and live peacefully.

1 comment:

  1. Nice job, mashaAllah.

    You've presented your points well, and I didn't catch any spelling mistakes, masha'Allah. You've got a little bit of repetition with some of your points, but it's not a biggie. Remember, we want each and every sentence to count! Also, I'm not sure why the formatting/spacing is so off-- let's double check this together, ok?

    I'm not sure what's better for a person-- to marry within or outside of their family. I think it's all "naseeb" in the end (sheesh! I sound like my Grandma ;)...)

    Keep up the great work, kiddo :)
